Tuesday, January 26, 2021


The Pleasant Family | My The Sims 2 Journal


This is my first post to my The Sims 2 Journal. I don't know if someone will find this entertaining, but I will post my screenshots here because I thought it would be nice to keep something like a sims 2 diary. 

Currently, I'm playing in Pleasantview - rotationally with the pre-made families.

Today, we'll have a look at the Pleasant family! 

I started to play Pleasantview in the right play order and with those scripted events, it just happened to me that I have more screenshots from the Pleasant so I will upload them first.

This is the very first picture I took in this family - Mary Sue just caught Daniel cheating on her with Kaylynn Langerak - this is a part of the scripted events. 

And If you played this family and the scripted events, you know, that immediately after that, Cassandra Goth will show up at their place to visit her best friend Mary Sue. Mary Sue is telling Cass what happened.
This is after I'd done a makeover to Mary Sue and also Cassandra is after a makeover.

On that day, the girls brought some friends home from school. We can see they're having dinner together. From left - Cassandra, Lilith Pleasant, Dustin Broke, random townie girl whose name I can't remember, and Mary Sue.

Here is Angela Pleasant doing her homework.

Mary Sue is a fortune sim so she can give financial consulting on the internet to make some money.

That week on Saturday, the parents went both to work and Lilith and Angela threw a party! Both of them invited their boyfriends and also there was a townie Ricky Cormier.

I really like this photo from the party!

I was thinking about buying Lilith these drums but I wasn't sure about it - then suddenly she rolled a wish to buy them! So now she is enjoying her own music.

That's everything from the Pleasants today, I hope you liked my screenshots!



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