Sunday, February 27, 2022

How to fix HoodChecker Memories Subject does not exist

Hey everyone! Yesterday I spent good two hours fixing the bugs that HoodChecker found in my Pleasantview neigborhood file

HoodChecker is a famous tool created by Mootilda that helps The Sims 2 players a lot. I believe that majority of you already use it and if you don't, you should really consider it. It's a great tool to prevent corruption in your neighborhood. 

In this article I am showing you what helped me with my problems and how you can do it too, but there is no guarantee it will work for you as well, always make a backup of your neighborhood!

Subject does not exist

The problem I had yesterday was the Subject does not exist error in the Memories section. HoodChecker will not automatically fix this but you can do it in SimPE. Even though a lot of people are talking about this topic on the internet, in the first moment it's not that easy to find a straighforward answer. At least for me it took a while. That's why I thought it would be nice to write a tutorial on my blog for it, and it might help someone in the future.

HoodChecker Subject Does Not Exist Memories

These are the ones I'm talking about. 

Always make a backup of your neighborhood folder before doing any changes in SimPE. HoodChecker tells you to do so as well!

  1. Open SimPE
  2. Click Tools (top bar) -> Neighborhood -> Neighborhood Browser -> choose your neighborhood and click Open
  3. In the left tab "Resource Tree" click Neighborhood/Memory
  4. Click Plugin View at the bottom of the page
  5. Choose a sim which has the broken memory in the left part of a window
  6. Find the memory that is supposed to be broken - we are looking for a memory with missing Subject
  7. Click the memory and add a sim/object that you want to the Subject tab

SimPE Memory Subject

for this memory - Had a Great Anniversary Party - the subject is supposed to be the same as owner of the memory so I filled the Subject...Sim: with the name of the owner

After that just click Commit and File->Save to save the changes

Then I would recommend closing SimPE and running the HoodChecker again to see if that worked.

Problem: Memories not showing up as they should

I encountered the problem that my memories didn't show up - only some of them did and it was only the Invisible ones. So for example I didn't see the one Had a Great Anniversary Party with that balloons symbol. If this didn't happen to you, skip this part, you're done.

For those of you who had this problem, my solution was this:

  1. In SimPE, click Extra (top bar) -> Preferences
  2. Click System Folders tab if it's not selected already

    Instead of path like this

    I've had there stuff like that

  3. Change the wrong paths to the path where you have installed your game and expansions
  4. Click Okay, then you may need to restart SimPE and you're done

This worked for me and since then my memories showed up as they should.


I hope this article helped you! 


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